WHMCS Software Licensing Integration
Official Integration

Software Licensing

License, sell and distribute your own PHP code securely

Generate and sell license keys, manage licenses, offer addons, and more

With WHMCS, it's easy to package and sell your commercial software applications with a professional, fully-functional licensing system. You can integrate this licensing system with your code, sell your software, generate license keys, and manage issued licenses, all from within WHMCS. Support includes both local and remote license keys, and built-in redundancy means your server doesn't have to be online. All it takes is a little PHP code and some simple API calls. Best of all, it's developed by software developers for software developers, so you know it's tailored to a developer's needs.

To get started, all you have to do is activate the addon and use it as your module when setting up your software as a product for sale. It's easy to drum up more sales, too, with the option to offer a free trial license for your product. Then, access the addon anytime to browse and search for issued license keys or make changes to a license's allowed domains, IP addresses, or directories.

This addon includes many customization options to ensure your licensing system works for you. When you configure licensing for a product, you'll be able to set a key prefix and specific license key lengths. You'll also be able to set whether clients can self-reissue their licenses. For license requirements, you can choose whether to validate IP addresses, whether to allow domain and directory conflicts, and whether to include secret keys for MD5 verification. It has everything you need in a solution for SaaS-based products.

Supported Features

  • Sell Licenses in WHMCS
  • Use all of WHMCS's billing cycles and features including prorata billing, late fees, and more.
  • Automatically generate and activate licenses when sold.
  • Include "unlockable" addons and extras.
  • Enforce download restrictions for products that require a license.
  • Automate license suspensions, unsuspensions, and terminations, including suspensions and terminations for nonpayment.
  • Get Complete License Control
  • Control license key length.
  • Control license key prefixes and differentiate between product keys easily.
  • Choose to restrict access by domain, IP address, installation directory, or a combination of the three.
  • Use supported local license keys.
  • Automatically detect and block license reissue abuse.
  • Run periodic remote license checks.
  • Add to your Application and Manage Easily
  • Copy-and-paste code from a ready-made PHP SDK.
  • Reissue licenses, allowing keys to move to new locations.
  • Revoke licenses, allowing the license key to be reused later.


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