WHMCS Slack Integration
Official Integration


Get notified about the events that matter to you directly in Slack

Create powerful event driven notification rules that alert your team

Add the WHMCS + Slack Integration to be notified in your Slack channels when specific events occur within your WHMCS Web Host Billing Automation Platform.

Using the powerful notifications center available in WHMCS 7.4 and later, you can configure notifications that are triggered when events and conditional criteria are met, so you only get notified about things that matter to you.
New Tickets Replies Notes Transfers New Invoices Payments Cancellations Refunds New Orders Activations Fraud Check Failures Provisioning Errors Suspensions Cancellations New Domain Registrations Transfer Status Updates Renewals
Rules can be configured to notify different channels based on the event and conditional criteria can be setup for parameters such as department, priority, total order value, client group, and more giving you flexibility and control.

Supported Features

  • Receive direct links to WHMCS and other important information through Slack.
  • Add Slack notifications through the WHMCS notification center.
  • Send notifications based on predefined events or selected criteria.
  • A wide array of events to choose from.


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